Open for business!

First of all, happy Chinese New Year!!

It’s our very first CNY in Melbourne, and honestly, there is no feel at all… Well, there are several reasons. First, it is because I, being the terrible Chinese mother I am, forgot to buy new (red) clothes for my kids and myself.

Second, I also did not decorate our house with any CNY decor at all…

Third, we didn’t even have ang pow packets until yesterday evening when I begged a Malaysian friend to give us some of his extras!

Fourth, no CNY food at all T_T

Fifth, no family and friends around for us to bai nian T_T

Sixth, it’s not a public holiday today so Shaohen’s working T_T

BUT. Tomorrow we will be going to the city and we’ve been told that the CNY atmosphere is quite ‘onz’ in Chinatown, so we’ll see!

On a totally unrelated note, (or maybe it is, because first day of the Lunar New Year = fresh start? Kind of?) I have finally set up my Etsy store to sell my paintings!

I’ve actually been very nervous about doing that (still am!), because, what if nobody buys my paintings?? T_T But then again, like what a few friends have been telling me, I have nothing to lose!

My dear hubby has of course been encouraging me to try too. I think he is secretly happy that there is a slight possibility that I would be able to fund my increasingly expensive hobby myself…

So here it is!!

My shop name is NatalieSiaShop (how original haha) or you can just click the link below:

At the moment there is only one painting there, but I’ll be working to add more stuff soon.

Once again, Gong Xi Fa Cai and may the year of the Dog bring you paws-perity and joy!




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