
I finally stopped breastfeeding all night long

I love breastfeeding. I am one of the lucky mummies who have had a relatively easy breastfeeding journey. I don’t take that for granted. I am extremely grateful, and I have enjoyed my experience with both children immensely.

To have a sister

If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you’d know that Amy has been talking about Alexa.

You still have it within you

As much as I am thankful for our journey in Melbourne so far, and as much as I enjoy being here, there are moments when I reminisce on my life as it used to be.

10 years on, I still do

Hello Shaohen, I’m looking to make some e-pals, and my friend gave me your email, so hi! Would you like to be my friend? p.s: I am not Jason 😛 That was the first email I ever sent to my hubby. At 14 years old.

Life back to work

Hello! Finally I’ve found the time (and opportunity and energy) to write an update. It’s been a most eventful four weeks! First of all, the kids were just taking turns falling sick, and this time, they had high fevers (40 degrees!) throughout the week! Amy started first, with ulcers in

A brand new season

Cherry blossoms are blooming, wildflowers are shooting out, and that means… spring is near! The weather, however, is still erratic. One day it would be warm and lovely, and the next would be freezing like Elsa’s castle. It’s as though Winter and Spring are now engaged in an epic war, both

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