Birthday at Healesville

Hello all! Hope you guys have been enjoying Christmas and the year-end holidays. Well, I turned another year *ahem* wiser last week. I find it pretty cool that Boxing Day is a public holiday in Australia, which means that my birthday will be a holiday forever muahaha! And, as it was my first birthday in Australia, what better way to celebrate than to spend the day with Australian animals?

So we packed everyone into the car and drove for one and a half hours to Healesville Sanctuary last Tuesday. We didn’t get to finish walking through the zoo because it got too hot by noon time, but, thanks to our zoo membership, we can go back any time, and we will, because it is such a beautiful zoo.

Anyway, here are all the pictures we took that day!

First stop, koala bears!!

And then, kangaroos / wallabies!!

This was the first time I’ve seen a mummy kangaroo and her little joey in her pouch! Can you see it??

As usual, Amy was most excited about the playgrounds in the zoo haha!

Some pelicans came to say hi, and they were huge! I think Amy was quite scared of them, because they were about her size, or maybe even bigger!

Hello Tazzy Devil!

There were many trees like this at Healesville that are over 200 years old. It’s really beautiful how they’ve preserved the place.

So many colourful birds! Their bird show is really nice too. We saw it once when we were here for our honeymoon (yes, 9 years ago). This time, we didn’t sit through it because it was really getting hot and we were melting, so we left. But the next time we go, we will definitely go for the show again.

It’s hard to choose a favourite from the three zoos in Victoria, but I’d probably say this is mine. The whole place feels free and spacious, and the animals have plenty of room to roam around. But again, Healesville Sanctuary is mostly Australian animals, so if you’re wanting to see other animals, you should head over to Melbourne Zoo or the Werribee Open Range Zoo.

But if you want to be up close and personal with the Aussie furry friends, this is the place to go. You can get more information here.

Two more sleeps before it’s 2018! Have a happy New Year everybody!




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