My ‘me’ time

UPDATE: The contest has ended. Winners will be announced on my Instagram and Facebook page! 

I’m giving away another Sothys goodie bag worth RM424 to FIVE lucky readers! Read till the end to find out what’s in the goodie bag and how you can win one!

I recently read about a scientific study that apparently found that mothers enjoy parenting less than fathers. One of the reasons was because fathers equate parenting with fun and leisure activities (like playing with the kids), while mothers equate parenting with more work: feeding, bathing, teaching, cleaning, etc.

The study also said mothers report more fatigue, especially since even their rest time (day and night) is constantly interrupted by the kids.

I was like, tell me something I don’t already know.

Motherhood has totally changed my life. From being a carefree girl who could do anything I wanted at any time, I now have another little life under my responsibility, and a thousand and one things on my mind.

It is in a mother’s nature to give herself up for her children. Perhaps it is due to the bond that started when the foetus was conceived in her womb. I don’t know. But no matter how tired she is, a mother would never turn away from her child’s needs.

Yet, another article warned that some mothers could become too overwhelmed that they sink into serious depression. There are so many news stories about mothers who hurt their own children, or take their own lives, due to the unchecked emotional stress.

Therefore, I make it a point to have my own ‘me’ time. Sure, the ‘mummy guilt’ may nag at me sometimes, but I need to carve out some time just for myself to make sure that I remain sane.

I do believe that to be able to take good care of my child, I need to first take good care of myself. Happy mummy, happy baby.

(Actually, happy mummy happy family. We hold such powers.)

And the ‘me’ time doesn’t have to be super elaborate. Here are some of the things I do.

#1 Make time for hobbies and interests

Before I sleep at night, I like to wind down by watching some movies or YouTube videos on my phone. One of the series I’m really enjoying right now on Netflix is “Elementary”, which is a modern take on Sherlock Holmes. Love love love it.

I also like to read, although I have not been reading as much as I would love to (blogs and articles are not really counted). Recently I have started on the Harry Potter series! (I know, I’m so slow) I also love Mitch Albom, and am finally reading his famous ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’. Love it. (Yes, to make up for lost time, I’m reading two books at the same time…)

One hobby I have recently picked up is painting! I’ve always wanted to be a painter. But I still don’t know if I am able to be consistent in practising and painting. It is challenging in terms of time and preparation (and skill *coughs*), but, where there is a will, there is a way right?

#2 Hang out with friends

As much as I love listening and speaking to Amy, I still need my adult conversations. It’s especially helpful when I hang out with fellow mummy friends, because we get to share our experiences and gain support, amid all the toddler tantrum madness.

And it really helps to know that you are not the only one going through the craziness. Somehow, knowing that another person has similar experiences, or that they go through similar emotions, boosts my ability to handle whatever challenges that come my way.

There are also some occasions where I just enjoy spending time with people without ever talking about kids or parenting. It’s nice to explore the other aspects of me, instead of just my role as a mom.

#3 Pamper myself

Ooohhh, this is like a world without end. There are so many ways to pamper yourself!

When I need a quick and relatively affordable fix, I go for sweet stuff. Give me cakes and ice creams and desserts, and my mood will be instantly lifted!

I also love spas and massages, but I’m so picky with the type of massages that I get, that I find myself not going for spas as often any more.

Mani/pedi sessions, on the other hand, can work wonders in making me feel that I have loved myself well. Haha! Somehow, there is something about having beautiful, neat nails that makes a girl really really happy.


And of course, facials. I used to struggle a lot with my skin, and at the peak of my bad skin condition, it really affected my confidence and self-esteem. With the right facial treatment and skincare, my skin has improved a lot over the years, and every time I get to go for a facial, I feel so good.

But facials alone can’t guarantee good skin forever. I have to make sure I am diligent with my own skincare routine at home to maintain my skin condition too. So every time I get my hands on a good skincare product, I feel extremely loved (by myself haha).

As I wrote before, Sothys had kindly sponsored me four boxes of their Essential Ampoules, and boy, these little ones seriously do a good job in pampering my skin!

As a mom, I now probably have a maximum of 10 minutes for my skincare routine (actually usually it’s less than that. With a toddler banging on the toilet door demanding for mama to come out). Luckily, these Sothys Essential Ampoules are intensive goodness packed in quick convenience.

All I have to do is make sure my face has been cleansed and toned, before dabbing the essence from the Essential Ampoules all over my skin. Then I just have to finish it off by applying my moisturiser, and I’m done!

And the results speak for themselves. Even without going for facial treatments for the past few months, my skin has shown so much improvement. Plus, being able to end a long, tiring day with a good skincare routine with power-packed products makes me feel very pampered.

Sothys and I want to pamper you too!

We are giving away another goodie bag to FIVE lucky readers. This goodie bag includes:

Sothys Treatment Voucher x 1 (worth RM100)
Complimentary SkinScope x 1 (worth RM80)
Sothys Product Voucher x 1 (worth RM50)
Product Sample x 1
Sothys Cleansing Milk 40ml x 1 (worth RM116)
Sothys Essential Ampoules x 2 pieces (worth RM78)

All you have to do is leave a comment below and tell me:

How do you spend your ‘me’ time? 

Don’t forget to put down your email address too. This contest closes on 16th December 2016, and is open to Malaysian residents only. Winners will be announced on my Instagram and Facebook page, so do follow me there OK?

Good luck!






12 Replies to “My ‘me’ time”

  1. Wong Wai Leng says:

    I spend my me time pampering myself. It can be either going for a facial or nice massage. It can also be going to the gym to work up a good sweat. Or it can even be just window shopping at my favourite mall.

  2. Marina Ee Yan Yan says:

    I spend my “me” time in swimming pool. Apart from the point that swimming is an exercise, it’s where I am away from noise, calm down physically and emotionally. Just keep looking down to the pool tiles, blank my mind and swim, sometimes for 2 hours. Recently I signed up to be a part time swim teacher (trainee), teaching kids from 4-10 years old. I don’t have to carry out “deep” conversation with kids like I was in work place. It’s play time for me and the kids, a lot of laughter and cuteness overload during the class, so my brain gets to rest for a bit.

  3. Make an appointment with myself all over again to understand the meaning of ‘me’ time again.

    Simple and mundane as it sounds, ME time for me is time under the warm shower after the kids are asleep. I find the warm shower refreshing and soothing. I always look forward to having that time for myself every night.

  4. LIM ZROU SHIEN says:

    This is the few ways How Me enjoy ME TIME….
    1) listening to the music I love while marking my children’s exercise books. It make my job more relax n enjoyable.
    2) reading some articles while watching tv…
    3) the most enjoyable part is doing my facial cleaning every night before I heading to bed.. Scrab my face once a week, following by a great hydration mask from sothys and of coz an ampoule to get a better result.. I enjoy the facial at home so much as sometime I have no time to go to saloon for facial..

  5. Connie Wong says:

    About ME, having hectic at work and being a dutiful daughter (elder) at home is quite a challenging life. Though, I am still single but taking care of our parents is just equally got to be mindful to every single detail.

    I put all my time and strengths into the family as I always feel it is my responsibility and it is also my nature.

    I hardly have ME time except bedtime. Well! in between I managed to get sometime doing my online shopping therapy. The facial that I have signed up long ago, I have to be reminded many times to utilize them.

    I guess ME time is when I do baking & cooking for my family members to enjoy and get good feedback is already considering ME time.

    Keep life simple and be happy always!

  6. Emy Tan says:

    My ‘me time’ is to do yoga (listening to soothing sounds while I’m at it is great too!) Yoga makes me feel reenergised and mentally relaxed as I would clear my mind out from stressing over things and shift my entire focus onto myself ^_^

    Taking a swim is also a great ‘me time’ to feel refreshed and energized as well!

    Another favourite ‘me time’ is to put on sheet masks! It is refreshing and makes me happy when seeing bounce and hydrating skin!

    Thank you for your giveaway and do give yoga a try when you are stressed out!

  7. spicy lim says:


  8. Sharon says:

    Hmm, as a FTWM with a 4yo and 6mo, is not easy to have ME time. Am still learning & trying to find ME time. Now whenever i have a brief ME time, i will take a quick rest or on my mobile while having a hot drink to keep up with updates and news.

  9. joannelyn says:

    我的每天的ME time就在睡觉前的那一小段时间。看着工作一天的先生,躺在他旁边听他说一说工作的心情,也告诉他孩子的趣事,偶尔会一起谈一谈工作上面对的问题。我觉得这就是一整天忙绿之后的享受,最悠闲最甜蜜的时间。

  10. Amelia Yeo says:

    I would go for shopping therapy and eat whatever food i wish to. I normally share foods with toddler so I have limited choices whenever we eat out. Not only that, have to feed her, clean and make sure she sits still are challenges. I couldn’t have a peaceful meal time. Bringing a toddler together makes shopping very difficult as I need to chase her around. So whenever I got free and easy ME time, i enjoy shopping and eating most.

  11. Rathi Malar Ramalingam says:

    As a full time working mother (from 8am to 6pm), “ME” time is sometimes non-existent. I used to be so frustrated as I realized that I spend very minimal time to make myself happy, instead it was always about making other happy. Which is why I make it a point to have my “Me” time usually when the kids are sleeping in the afternoon (~1 & 1/2 hours during weekends). I make a cup of coffee/hot chocolate (depending on my mood) and sit myself in front of the television to catch some cooking shows in Food Network or lie down on the couch with a good book and just tune out everything else for that 90 mins. These “me” sessions has helped me to improve my mood tremendously. I look forward to weekends for that 90 mins which keeps me going for the rest of the week. 🙂

  12. Connie Kang says:

    my ‘ME TIME’ will be having an outing with the one I love (yes, which is my family and kids). With a 4yo and a 9 month old I cant bare to leave them for long time as a full time working mom. Having separated from them for more than 12 hours in a day and only can be with them for less than 4 hours makes the bonding time more precious.

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