
Fun things to do for Christmas

I know it sounds like I’m doing a countdown here, but hey, Christmas is just about two weeks away! We are already feeling the festive cheer in my house as Amy sings ‘Jingle Bells’ and “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town’ all day every day!

Movies under the stars

Since moving to Melbourne, I have not been watching movies much. Firstly, the TV is usually dominated by kids’ programs. Even if I successfully veto-ed my way through and turned on my show, I wouldn’t be able to concentrate or listen to anything with the kids running and screaming around.

Movie Review: The Walk

Picture from Google Image “Then if this is your dream, you must do it.” The other night, after many nights of exhaustion and brain-deadness and zombiefied-ness, I decided that I should watch a movie on TV to relax after the kids went to bed. While browsing through Netflix, I saw The

Movie review: Beauty and the Beast

Featured image from Oh. My. Goodness. Have you watched ‘Beauty and the Beast’ the live-action movie? I confess: even as I sat there in the cinema, waiting for the movie to start, I was nervous. What if it screwed up? ‘Beauty and the Beast’ is such a classic and

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