Stories: The Broken Apple

Image from Pixabay I felt like a fraud. But you know what they say – fake it till you make it. If I could trace it all to a beginning, it was probably that morning in spring. I was watering the plants and feeding the chickens as I normally did.

Books I read in July and August

It’s been another two months of bookish delight! Speaking of which, I have finally decided to create another Instagram account for all my reading, writing and painting snapshots. I understand that not everyone who’s following my personal IG is interested in books and art, so I shall not bore them

Stories: A glimpse into the moonlight

Image from That was the brightest pearl I had ever seen. It was mesmerizing, and I could not tear my eyes away from it. Something about the pearl was drawing me in, deeper and deeper. There seemed to be a warning ringing somewhere distant, but, what was it about?

Kindle vs Physical Books

It’s Book Week in Australia! So I guess it is quite timely for me to share a dilemma I’ve been facing for the longest time, and I believe I am not the only one facing it.

Stories: Up on the mountain

He didn’t ask for this. Why must they be so cruel? The boy looked at the scene before him. The sheep quietly grazing with the gentle breeze as company. Birds singing, leaves rustling. How deceptively peaceful.

Creamy and yummy yogurt

I was new in Melbourne, and I wanted to get some yogurt. I went to the supermarket and I was temporarily taken aback. Where were my favourite brands such as Nestle and Dutch Lady?

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