Hello baby Amy

This post was written after Amy was born on 18th June 2014 in my previous blog. It’s been awhile since my last post. What I’ve never revealed here was that my gynae had set last Wednesday for my induction. I was to be admitted into the labour room at midnight,

Have A Little Faith by Mitch Albom

The Reb had lived a few days beyond his massive stroke, in a peaceful coma, long enough for his wife, children and grandchildren to get there and whisper their good-byes. I had done the same, touching his thick white hair, hugging my face to his, promising he would not die

MOF Japanese Dining @ Sunway Pyramid

Japanese is my favourite cuisine. I just can never get bored of it. If given a choice, I would go for Japanese meals at least once a week. At least. I have heard of MOF Japanese Dining in Sunway Pyramid, but have never tried it mainly because I seldom go to

Moms Connect Hi-Tea

Last weekend, the mothers in my church met up for a Moms Connect Hi-Tea event at HOPP Cafe, Sunway. This was probably the third or fourth event organised by my church for mothers, and I enjoyed every one of them, including this. There is something special about mothers meeting up together,

Baby Alexa

This post was written three months after Alexa was born still. It was published in my previous blog, and I’ve decided to put it here as well. In memory of Alexa Enyi Yong, born asleep on March 5th, 2013, 10.07pm at 1.9kg.  My husband and I were very excited when

Happy Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and this year would mark my 2nd celebration as a mom. Motherhood is by far the greatest privilege and role I have taken on, and nothing else can even compare to it. The hubby and I have been thinking about trying for another

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