
Introducing: The Stories of Yore podcast

So, I’ve been busy. And today, I’m super excited to introduce my little passion project to you: the Stories of Yore podcast!

Back to painting, and lookback at 2020

And in a blink of an eye, it’s almost the end of 2020. I haven’t touched this blog for months. In a way, it was intentional. I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching in terms of blogging and social media this year, and have taken a step back from all.

Author Interview: Natalie Murray

It’s August. Times are crazy, and life is drastically different from a year ago, but I am very happy to report that I have just finished reading my 57th book of 2020. Yay! Celebrate the little wins, right?? One of the books I read earlier this year was Emmie and

Stories: Something Strange

It is only half past five, but already the lobby feels unusually quiet, with just a handful of people moving about. The lady in suit, jabbing at her mobile phone as she strides towards the exit. The man with his shirt half tucked in and a brown leather bag, looking as though he could

Stories: The Broken Apple

Image from Pixabay I felt like a fraud. But you know what they say – fake it till you make it. If I could trace it all to a beginning, it was probably that morning in spring. I was watering the plants and feeding the chickens as I normally did.

Here we go again – #the100DayProject

So. Last year when I first heard about #the100DayProject, I was extremely inspired and decided to join in. Unfortunately, I only lasted about 40 days, and soon quietly gave up oops.

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