
Creating with the soul, for the soul

(I had originally posted this on my Substack. But the hubby convinced me to focus on my blog instead of going on so many branches 😛 I still like Substack though. If you’d like to subscribe to my Substack emails, here’s how you can do it.) It’s that time of

#the100DayProject – COMPLETED!!!!!!!

I am so happy I am almost dancing on my table top – I have finally completed my #the100DayProject!!!

Updates on my #the100DayProject

Hello! I am happy to say that I am still going strong in my #the100DayProject! In fact, the more I paint, the more I am in love with painting. Even when I sleep, I am dreaming about painting #forreal.

Here we go again – #the100DayProject

So. Last year when I first heard about #the100DayProject, I was extremely inspired and decided to join in. Unfortunately, I only lasted about 40 days, and soon quietly gave up oops.

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