
Back to painting, and lookback at 2020

And in a blink of an eye, it’s almost the end of 2020. I haven’t touched this blog for months. In a way, it was intentional. I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching in terms of blogging and social media this year, and have taken a step back from all.

Author Interview: Natalie Murray

It’s August. Times are crazy, and life is drastically different from a year ago, but I am very happy to report that I have just finished reading my 57th book of 2020. Yay! Celebrate the little wins, right?? One of the books I read earlier this year was Emmie and

March reading highlights

How’s everyone doing? I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the information and opinions going around, that I have decided to stay away from the news and social media for awhile. But not bookstagram. Never bookstagram. (You can find me @hercreativeescape by the way ;))

Life update + books I read in September

Last month had been quite a crazy month. The hubby and I had actually taken leave, hoping that we could finally go on a just-the-two-of-us date while the kids were at childcare, and gallivant around the Melbourne city.

Books I read in July and August

It’s been another two months of bookish delight! Speaking of which, I have finally decided to create another Instagram account for all my reading, writing and painting snapshots. I understand that not everyone who’s following my personal IG is interested in books and art, so I shall not bore them

Kindle vs Physical Books

It’s Book Week in Australia! So I guess it is quite timely for me to share a dilemma I’ve been facing for the longest time, and I believe I am not the only one facing it.

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