
Amy turns five!

My little darling has turned five! I know I have been saying this a lot, but, I really can’t believe how fast time has shot by!

I finally stopped breastfeeding all night long

I love breastfeeding. I am one of the lucky mummies who have had a relatively easy breastfeeding journey. I don’t take that for granted. I am extremely grateful, and I have enjoyed my experience with both children immensely.

To have a sister

If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you’d know that Amy has been talking about Alexa.

Amy turns four

Sometimes she seems so little. Sometimes she seems so big. How can it be that my dear girl is now four years old??

My Little Book Nook

Reading is such an important part of life, no matter your age, but even more so for young children. I like how J.K. Rowling put it: “I do believe that something very magical can happen when you read a good book.”

Schools and jobs

I can’t believe it’s already mid-March! 2018 slow down!! Phew! Anyway, so many things seem to have happened since my last update.

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